Usb embosser drivers for mac
Usb embosser drivers for mac

usb embosser drivers for mac


Item 2 in the menu determines whether the Romeo is set for parallel or serial (1=parallel. Parallel Output: The Romeo's menu number 1 is set for the parallel output.

usb embosser drivers for mac

Changing the menu is easier than changing multiple parameters within a single menu.


If you frequently change the paper size or if you drive the embosser with programs other than this software you will undoubtedly make good use of the multiple menus. We suggest leaving setups 1 through 8 at their factory defaults and using 9 through 16 for custom purposes. Take advantage of the fact that you can store up to 16 configurations via the 16 menus. Be sure to press 2.0E to make the serial port active.Press 1.0E then E to turn this menu into the power up default.All settings are the same for serial except parameter 2 which should be set to 0. The suggested settings for the various parameters are included above in the parallel setup guidelines section. If you run into problems, we recommend selecting and altering one of the custom menus. Press 0.2E ("0" then "." then "2" then "E") and listen for two short beeps.įollow the directions below only if you run into problems when using default menu 2.If you are using a serial port, the factory default menu 2 should work fine assuming that the margins and paper size (11 by 11 inches) are to your liking. When all of the mismatched parameters are fixed, press 1.1E to make menu 9 the default and to reset the embosser.This confirms that your input was accepted. You should hear two short beeps after each entry. For example, "23.1E" would allow for escape sequence recognition. For every parameter that does not match our recommendations, type the parameter number, a period, the correct value, and then E.Press 0.VE to print out all parameters of configuration 9.Press OL to take the embosser off line again.Press 1.0E then E again to turn this menu into the power up default.Press 0.9E and listen for two short beeps to indicate that you are ready to edit menu 9.Press OL to take the embosser off line.If menu 9 is already taken for another purpose, use the next available menu (possibly as high as 16) and substitute that number wherever 9 is mentioned in the following steps.

usb embosser drivers for mac

Let us assume that custom menu 9 is available and that you wish to use it for outputting files created by this software. We recommend you keep a record of the settings that work for your particular installation.īelow are directions for creating a custom setup. *Any of the right margin, left margin, paper length, top-of-form offset, embossing mode, or paper grade may be unsuitable for your situation and need to be changed. Below are the suggested settings for the parameters.

usb embosser drivers for mac

If you run into problems, we recommend selecting one of the custom menus (numbers 9 through 16) and altering one of them to fit your needs. Press 0.1E ("0" then "." then "1" then "E") and listen for two short beeps.įollow the directions below only if you run into problems when using default menu 1.A high to low tone will indicate that the embosser is off-line. "Zippidy Do Dah" should play on the speaker. To ensure that menu 1 is the menu selected at power up, do the following: The factory default menu 1 will normally work fine with this software, assuming that you connect through the parallel port, that the margins are to your liking, and that you are using 11 by 11 inch braille paper. Go to the Advanced Tab, and change the End of Line Indicator to Carriage Return Only (MAC)and click OK.įor USB Connection Guidelines, click on the link above. To fix this you need to make a change in the Embossit Configuration. On some Romeo Attache units you may be getting double spacing when you want single spacing. A Marathon operates at about ten times the speed of a Romeo RB20. The major difference between these models is output speed. They all share the same keypad and communication protocols. The Romeo, Marathon, and Thomas models are single-sided embossers from Enabling Technologies. General Advice about Computer Ports: Serial, Parallel, USB, and Network Technical Tips for Romeo, Marathon, and Thomas Embossers

Usb embosser drivers for mac